
Friday, April 24, 2015

Brynn's [NINE] Month Update

Weight: 19 pounds 14 ounces

Height: 28 inches

Clothes: 9-12 months. She has so many CUTE summer clothes waiting on her back in Texas. She can't wait to wear them! ;) (10 days!!)

Sleep: You know she has never been a great sleeper, but I finally can get her to bed between 9 and 10 at night. She will sleep until 3am and be up about every 3 hours from there until 9am.

Food: Cereal for breakfast, meat/ veggie combo for lunch, and fruit for dinner is the norm. She is still EBF whenever she pleases. We head home soon and I have a feeling things are going to have to change once I go back to a sumer job. She would eat any and everything all day if possible.
Yep, even grass
She learned to click her tongue so you can hear that often around the house.

She claps and it is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. We have even caught her standing up on her own and clapping. I guess she is a pro at mimicking mom and dad.

Still no teeth actually out, but we can finally see the white of those little buggers. Her poor little gums are all swollen. We have had some pretty rough nights and days. I have a feeling we will get 4 teeth all at once.

Crawling so fast all over the house. Has taken few steps here and there, but not a steady walk.

Standing up on her own and walking all over anything she can pull up on. Even peoples pants in results to almost pulling them off.

She still prefers to play with us over her toys. Although, she has gotten better at playing with them.
You know brushed and water bottles are better than any toy.
She loves the plastic books we have for her.

Happy 99% of the time.

She would spend all day outside if we let her.

Loves the camera. She will smile, pose, or try to get it every single time without fail.

Babbles like crazy. We think she says mama, dada, bye bye, and kuck-kuck.(what they say to play peek-a-boo here)

Waves Hi, but hasn't quite figured out how to open and close her hand to wave bye bye.

We truly can't believe how fast she is growing. She will be one way too soon. I think I am a bit in denial. Our sweet Brynnie lights up our lives and so many others. She truly has brought so much joy to our lives. I don't even know what to do half the time when I realize she is really mine. We love you even more than the day we laid eyes on you. Who knew that was possible.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Finland meets Luxembourg

In the basketball world it can be quite the struggle to make friends and keep them. You are constantly moving all over the place and sometimes don't get a chance to form real relationships. Although we were only in Finland for 4 months I met a forever friend. Sara was the sweetest person and stood by me through a whole lot. She was first to know I was pregnant(even before Brad), she gave me advice, lots of hugs when Brad got injured, and all around was the best friend I could have asked for during the entire journey. It was probably the best thing yet to live the same building as her. Finland can get extremely cold, but we never had to brace the outside to hang out.

Coming to Luxembourg I knew she had two Aunts that lived here. We always talked about her visiting, but never knew if it would work out. Finally, what we had been waiting for happened and she spent a week in Luxembourg. We spent lots of time just talking and catching up. You know lots of shopping and food came along with that as well. Her trip here couldn't have come at a better time. We had a blast and I promise it won't be as long of a break next time I see her. 

Here are some of the highlights from her trip:

-We went on lots of gorgeous walks through the city. A lot of things I had never seen. 

 -Strawberry Margs are a must. 

-She got to catch one of Brads games. 

 -Lots of Brynn time. They fell in love very quickly. 

-Yummy Italian food and wine

I can't wait to see you again my sweet friend!

XO, Brooke

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter weekend//The Netherlands(Holland)

I have been wanting to make our way to The Netherlands for quite some time to see flowers at Keukenhof. Brad played on a Friday so we were able to have 3 days off in a row(shocker)! Not only were we able to see the tulip gardens, but we were able to stay at a hotel on the beach in Noordwijk and visit friends in Leiden.

The first day we arrived it was raining off and on while being pretty cold outside. You know that didn't stop us from heading down to the beach. Brynn loved the sand, but as usual hates the wind.

We hurried up to this amazing all you can eat Japanese restaurant for lunch. They gave us a tablet and you can order 5 dishes per person every 10 minutes for 2 hours. Of course after an hour we were way past done. I really think San Angelo needs a place like this! We ate so much, but it was our one splurge meal. Worth every penny and every tap on that tablet.

For dinner we headed to our friends in Leiden and explored that area a little bit. These pictures Brad took on his cell phone and I am way too impressed by his skills.

Easter Sunday we woke up and walked across to the beach one more time before heading to Keukenhof. The weather was amazing! We realized it was too warm for our big coats, thank you Jesus.
Brynn opted for an Easter onesie instead of the dress getup. 

I don't even know where to begin with Keukenhof. Yes, a lot of flowers still weren't all the way in bloom, but I do not care. It was gorgeous. Just to walk around with all the green and beautiful flowers that were there. So much yummy dutch food and tradition going on around us. I could gush all day. I have wanted to go for so long and I am so glad we made the trip. I obviously can't post every picture so I'll give you a run down of my favorites. 

He needed a picture by these because of the Lakers colors. 

Right before she tried to pick the Tulips. 

Van Gogh inspired selfie garden. 

Now go get your booties to The Netherlands.

XO, Brooke