
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Crocheted a Scarf

Last Friday I took the leap to learn to crochet and I DID IT! Needless to say I got about half way done the first time and decided I hated it so re-did it. Second time worked out much much better, but I know I will keep getting better and learning new tricks as I go along. I definitely rather spend the $4 to make a scarf then what up to like $50 to buy one. You have to pretty much wear a scarf here everyday so all these new ones will come in handy. Here's photos of my progress :)

I will definitely get some softer yarn and a thicker crochet hook the next time around.

I did 185 chains around.

Worked my way to 25 rows.

The finished product:

Now, onto completely different awesome news.... MY PARENTS GET HERE THE 25th!! About 2 1/2 weeks I get to hug their necks! They have never gotten to see where we live overseas in all the three years so I am so ecstatic they finally get to! Dad has been to the UK and mom to Spain so at least they are semi prepared, but not for this cold!
Day 7 of November and I am beyond thankful for my parents. The fact that they are willing to drop their lives and spend a fortune to come and be with us for Thanksgiving is amazing to me. They always go above and beyond for me and of course Brad since they like him better. ;) I am one happy daughter!

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  1. great job on the scarf it looks great and heck ya spending $4 to make one vs $50 is always a good thing :) how exciting about your parents visit !!!

  2. that looks awesome! how exciting your parents are coming soon :)

  3. Such a happy news that they are coming :) I hope it's already a bit more winter-ish and I think Christmas feeling is going to kick in a bit here in Finland, so they could see that this is kind of a pretty little place after all :D I'm personally sooo tired of this rain and darkness and I should be used to this!
    Have great day!
