
Thursday, October 16, 2014

DIY Headbands

While we were in Florida my grandma and I attempted our first time at DIY tie headbands. I was spending about $8-$10 on each one for Brynn. We went to JoAnn Fabric and I was able to made 10 for $5! Talk about getting ripped off. I even found tons of the same material I had previously bought headbands in. Anyway, now that I know how to make them Brynn will always have the latest and greatest and they would be good gifts. I thought I would share with you guys the way we made them. 


- 1/8 of a yard of your preferred fabric (the smallest amount you can purchase, this makes 2 headbands)
- straight pins
- cloth tape measurer 
- scissors

- an amazing talented grandma to work her magic on the sewing machine and a little bitty sidekick ;)
- thread(you can do it by hand or with a sewing machine, we did a mixture of the two)

[1] Cut your fabric in two at 29"long and 4" wide.

[2] Turn your fabric inside out in half pinning the two edges together where they would meet up evenly.
[3] Sew the edges together while removing the straight pins as you go. Leave a small opening in the middle of the head band so you will be able to turn it right side out. 
[4] I measured Brynn's head to know how long I needed them. Typically the ones I have ordered are 22" long and 2" wide.
[5] Once I measured we angled both ends of the headband and sewed them up. 
[6] You then turn the headbands right side out and hand sew up the small opening with a matching thread.

[7] Ta-da!

Bad iPhone picture, but here is Brynn in the white one I made. I just tucked the two ends in. 

*There may be a different or better way of making them, but this is the way that worked best for us!
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  1. This is awesome and so creative! Great job mama! Now you can have them matching for each outfit :-)

  2. Ah!! Cuuuute!! :) What a sweet little smile.
