
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Brynn's [EIGHT] Month Update

Length: 28 inches

Weight: 19 pounds 13 ounces

Food: EBF about 6 times a day. She eats about 2 ounces of cereal for breakfast, 2.5 ounces of meat/veggie for lunch, and 2.5 ounces of fruit for dinner. We still do purees because she rather us feed her than feed herself. IF we give her the spoon she can get it in her mouth, but the food ends up all over the place first. She would eat all day if we let her. Anytime we have food she wants some. She loves puffs when we are out and about. Loves any food so far except pumpkin.

Sleep: She has actually been going to bed between 8:30 and 11 depending on if there is a game or not. She will sleep 6 hours straight and wake up to nurse then go back to bed until 9am. 6 hours is amazing for us! Still takes one long nap around 2 and a few short ones here and there randomly.

Clothes: 9 months. Some 6-12 months are still ok.

Trying to get pictures of an 8 month old and them being still is a joke. 

Diapers: Euro size 3 still

Movement: She is a mover all over the place. She is into everything. I know it will just become more and more. She pulls up on furniture or anything at that matter. Walks around while holding our hands or furniture. She can stand alone a little longer and has learned to land on her butt instead of her head. Loves to wave. You think she is waving bye bye sometimes, but I think she is saying come here.

Talking: A whole lot of baby babble. We think we have heard bye bye, dada, and mama. I think it's all babble though and she is still figuring everything out.

Teeth: Still no teeth, but you can see them in her gums and they are pretty swollen. Maybe this month they will actually appear. She sure is a pro at gumming stuff.

-Spending time outside
-All the attention
- Skyping

-Getting dressed
-Water in her face, but is always the one splashing.
-Guys holding her, except daddy.

Our sweet Brynnie,

You light up our lives. We can't believe how quickly you grow. You have become such a fun spirited little girl with the happiest personality. To watch you grow is a great blessing. God chose you to be ours and us to be yours. For that we could never be more thankful. We love you more and more each day. No exaggeration to that either. Happy 8months baby bug.

XO, Brooke


  1. I cannot believe she's 8 months already!!!!

  2. so cute! How in the world is she already 8 months?!

  3. Happy 8 months!!! She is GORGEOUS!

  4. She is so mobile! She'll be off and walking before you know it! And so so cute!!

  5. Look at that big girl, she's such a doll!! Such a fun age too, sounds like she's keeping you on your toes. :)
