How far along: 36 weeks(measuring 37)
Size of baby: Large Cantaloupe
Baby's size and weight: 6 lbs or more at this point and 19-22 in.
My total weight gain: 31 pounds! Hurry up Brynn so momma stops becoming a cow!
Baby's development: Starting to shed her downy hair and vernix caseosa. All of her systems are pretty much ready for her to make her appearance.
Stretch marks: None.
Wedding Ring: Has days where it'll fit and days where it won't.
Belly Button: Flat except pokes out at the top by where my belly button was pierced.
Maternity clothes: Basically maternity jeans/capris, but can fit into regular stuff.
Gender: Sweet baby girl! :D
Movement: All the time. They have turned into more rolls. Sometimes it feels like an alien is going to pop out ;)
Sleep: So so
What I miss: No swelling and fitting into clothes. Not much longer, praise Jesus!
Food cravings: Lots of fruit, sno cones, and chick fil a.
Symptoms: Pressure, some back pain, and random feet/ankle swelling. Braxton hicks here and there.
Brad is: still the sweetest man. Rubs my feet(and he hates feet bad) and back whenever I ask.
What I'm looking forward to: My sweet friend Natties wedding today in Dallas, Tuesdays appt. to see if I've dilated, and house sitting for family friends with a pool! FIGURING OUT WHEN SHE WILL MAKE HER APPEARANCE.
Best moments: Getting to watch my belly go crazy with movements instead of just feeling them. Getting moved to weekly appt. just means we are SO close!