Family Camp

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

This past weekend our family (Brad, mom, dad, and I) headed out to House of Faith Family Camp. It is held on the Frio River at a Foundation camp called HEB Camp. For any Texans, most of you have probably been around the area or heard of it. 

I had been going there since I was in Jr.High with my youth group, but had never been to this exact camp site or with House of Faith. I didn't know quite what to expect, but I absolutely adored meeting so many of the families that are connected to the kids that go to House of Faith and get to minister to them, but also help out to make their camp experience great. 

There was an event held where each family made a car out of cardboard, duct tape, and paint. Each car had to have at least 2 family members running inside of the box. There were many crashes and some awesome cars. It was hilarious. My dad and Brad made a car (if you want to call it that), but fellow racers crashed into them and made them disconnect so they got disqualified. 
They say that they were transformers and they hooked arms to run. 

They held lots of different activities for free time also. They had craft time where you could paint a small canvas, which I made one for Brynn's nursery. The families could swim, canoe, fish, play any of the sports, and participate in the annual kick ball tournament. Brad fished majority of the time and it was so nice getting to just sit with him during that. He gets so excited and there were some HUGE catfish!

Every morning and night the services were held which is when I helped watch and play with the 2 & 3 year olds. They are so sweet and had such personalities. Brad did games and lessons with some of the older kids which is right up his alley. On Saturday night they held a talent show. There were hilarious acts and some that could sing. Such big voices from little bodies!

It was one of the longest days where you would sit down only to eat, but it was so amazing to watch the kids eyes light up and their families become closer. I am so thankful that our family is a part of House of Faith. 

To learn more about House of Faith click here

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  1. This is so neat, sounds like you all had a great time serving!
