Weight- 11 pounds and 6.6 ounces(53%)
Length- 23.6 inches(91%)
Sleep- I lay her down in her bassinet between 10 and 11pm depending on our day. She will sleep 4 in a half hours waking around 3:30am. Then she goes back to bed from 4 to 7am. She is sleeping less and less throughout the day. I try to keep her up for an hour after she eats then she naps for about 45 minutes to an hour. Now, if we are out and about and she is in her carseat/stroller she will sleep 3 hours.
Eating- During the day I have her eat every 2 hours. Unless she is wanting to eat sooner. I am still exclusively breastfeeding and I pump so my mom can feed her bottles while I work 6 hours on Tuesdays and Fridays. Blessed that she finally figured out her latch and is eating so good. She is growing crazy!
Diapers- She is wearing size 1 and on the verge of size 2 I'm pretty sure. She is down to 2 to 5 dirty diapers a day and still a wet one every 2 hours or more. We finally got some of our cloth diapers in and just use them during the day while still doing disposable at night. I think we like cloth and it'll help save while overseas.
Clothing- Wearing a few 0-3 here and there, but pretty much good on 3 months. Thank goodness because I kept thinking she wouldn't get to wear the cute summer 3 months I got her for Florida.
Mood- Such a happy little girl. She makes THE funniest faces. Pretty much smiling often and a few out loud chuckles. She is so good about loving everyone and letting them hold her. We found out she has a sensitivity to lotions, body washes, detergents, and perfumes which made her a bit fussy. She had what I thought was baby acne, but nope a rash. We have changed everything for a week now and it has significantly gotten better, but still has some clearing up to do. Her doctor said eventually she will grow out of it.
- Meeting her family
- Laying on her play mat looking up at her toys
- Us singing to her
- Skyping with daddy
-Sleeping on her belly
- Her paci when falling asleep then spits it out
-Her big girl bath no longer on the counter
The baby cousins in Iowa |
Doesn't love:
- Sleeping on her back
- Her daddy being gone
- Being in the car more than 9 hours(We roadtripped to Iowa-12 hours- after 9 she would freak and want me to hold her.)
Want to remember:
- Her first non sleepy smile
- Her first out loud chuckle
- The way she can't take her eyes off me
- How her eyes lock in on the computer screen the minute she hears Brads voice(I know she can't recognize his face, but she definitely knows his voice)
- All of our special time just the two of us
Looking forward to:
-Brynn meeting more family in Florida in October
- Getting to Luxembourg in a month
- Her big personality continuing to grow
Brynn, you are the sweetest face to wake up to and I want to stay in every moment forever. I love you beyond. Happy two months my little bug!

Oh my that little chambray jumper with the leopard headband is such an adorable little outfit! She is just beautiful! Cant believe how old she is already!
ReplyDeleteWhat a squishy-cutie pie!! Seems like a pretty good sleeper/eater, that's great!! And pat-on-the-back to you momma for nursing/pumping!! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an adorable smile she has!! And that pic of her in the tub, just so cute!
ReplyDeleteShe is growing SO fast! I can't believe that it has been 2 months already! Her legs are so long; she is going to be such a beautiful tall girl :-)
ReplyDeleteShe is just adorable! Love all the pics of her she seems like a very happy baby! Also love your boppy cover with the arrows!
ReplyDeleteShe is the cutest thing!!!
ReplyDeleteGrowing, growing! So sweet
ReplyDeleteshe is a doll! i love her name, too! and you look amazing