Weight: 19 pounds 14 ounces
Height: 28 inches
Clothes: 9-12 months. She has so many CUTE summer clothes waiting on her back in Texas. She can't wait to wear them! ;) (10 days!!)
Sleep: You know she has never been a great sleeper, but I finally can get her to bed between 9 and 10 at night. She will sleep until 3am and be up about every 3 hours from there until 9am.
Food: Cereal for breakfast, meat/ veggie combo for lunch, and fruit for dinner is the norm. She is still EBF whenever she pleases. We head home soon and I have a feeling things are going to have to change once I go back to a sumer job. She would eat any and everything all day if possible.
Yep, even grass |
She claps and it is probably the cutest thing I've ever seen. We have even caught her standing up on her own and clapping. I guess she is a pro at mimicking mom and dad.
Still no teeth actually out, but we can finally see the white of those little buggers. Her poor little gums are all swollen. We have had some pretty rough nights and days. I have a feeling we will get 4 teeth all at once.
Crawling so fast all over the house. Has taken few steps here and there, but not a steady walk.
Standing up on her own and walking all over anything she can pull up on. Even peoples pants in results to almost pulling them off.
She still prefers to play with us over her toys. Although, she has gotten better at playing with them.
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You know brushed and water bottles are better than any toy. |
Happy 99% of the time.
She would spend all day outside if we let her.
Loves the camera. She will smile, pose, or try to get it every single time without fail.
Waves Hi, but hasn't quite figured out how to open and close her hand to wave bye bye.
We truly can't believe how fast she is growing. She will be one way too soon. I think I am a bit in denial. Our sweet Brynnie lights up our lives and so many others. She truly has brought so much joy to our lives. I don't even know what to do half the time when I realize she is really mine. We love you even more than the day we laid eyes on you. Who knew that was possible.