MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! Our sweet Brynn Renee is 5 months old today.
Weight: 15 pounds 6 ounces (as of 12/11/14)
Height: 26.5 inches (as of 12/11/14)
Diapers: Still in a solid size 2 in american diapers and size 3 in European. Cloth diapering babe when we are home.
Eating: Still EBF, but tried some cereal and she wasn't a fan. So, we will try again next month. Have full intentions to make all her baby food when the time comes.
Clothes: Completely done with 3 months and 3-6 months. 6 months is perfect and a few 6-9 months. Once again it all depends on the brand. In Euro sizes she is a 68 or 4-6 months. Slowly, but surely figuring it out for her. It is so fun getting to dress her!
Mood: Very happy unless the whole teething thing gets in her way then she is hell on wheels. Oh wait, am I not supposed to say that? oops. She has done a few episodes of crying for an hour straight before completely exhausting herself. The clove oil and cold wash clothes work here and there, but need to get my hands on a amber teething necklace and my mom is bringing punkin butt oil!
Sleep: She definitely hit her 4month sleep regression waking every 2 to 3 hours to eat. Here the past couple of days though she has done 5 to 6 hour stretches. Hopefully that is a sign that she is getting back on track. Although, she still refuses to go to bed before 11pm happy as a clam. Can only blame ourselves for that since we are out so late on game nights. She sleeps in her own room in a big girl crib, but without fail every morning she ends up in bed with us when she wakes up between 6am and 7am.
I swear you just turned 4 months old or better yet I just had you! I am blown away at what a big girl you are. You can now roll over back to belly and once belly to back, but much rather sit up now that you can on your own. Until you get super excited and fling yourself backwards that is. The doctor commented on how very strong you were. You love to stand on our laps, on the couch, or holding onto the coffee table. You can't craw, but sure can scoot yourself on your belly all over the place. You think your feet are the coolest things you've ever discovered.
You are starting to hate the nursing cover and will do whatever it takes to get your hand/head out to look around. Focus baby girl and I promise I'll fatten ya up. You are now to the stage where you grab for everything and want to put it in your mouth. You love water. You love chewing on ice in your mesh food eater even more. You still love your piano, but rather sit up to eat it.
You are a fan of any and everyone talking to you to make you laugh/smile. You make me the happiest momma. Through good days and bad days I can't wait to hold you and squeeze you. You make me want to strive to do whatever I can to make you feel better. I can't wait to continue to watch you grow and your personality to grow! Tomorrow is your 1st Christmas and we are probably way more excited than you. I promise soon you will love Christmas just as much. Remember Jesus is the reason:) You bring so much joy to momma and dada. We love you Brynnie bug! Forever and ever, yesterday, today and tomorrow too.

She is sooo precious !!! almost half a year old <3
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she is 5 months old either! Crazy! She is too cute for words and it looks like y'all are having the best time. I had never heard of Punkin Butt oil but i just looked it up...interesting stuff. You'll have to let me know what you think of it when you try it out. We totally skipped the rice/oatmeal cereal. I had read a lot of stuff that it just wasn't necessary and Dutch was not interested in eating anything but the boob so we just skipped it and started him directly on homemade baby food (about an ounce once a day) when he turned 6 months. He still prefers the boob but he is developing those eating motor skills.