Weight: 15 pounds 6 ounces(as of 12/11/14) We go back to the Dr. this week, but everyone has said oh my gosh she has gotten heavier. We all know she is our long skinny bean pole and I love it.
Height: 27 inches
Sleep: It has been rough month with sleep. She has done a solid every 4 hours with a few nights of 7am waking thrown in there. Those 7am wake up calls honestly make the every 4 hour nights 100% worth it. Although, she has done drastically better since these past 2 weeks of baby food. Still sleeping in her own room/own crib on her belly unless she rolls herself around. Only naps for about 45 minutes 3 times a day with one 2 hour nap. Oh and she has proved that she will sleep for my mom better than us. You little stink.
Clothing: 6 months with some 9 month PJs and already wearing size 3 shoe. Yep, big feet over here just like mommy and daddy. No shame baby girl.
Eating: Breastfeeding every 3 hours during the day and whenever she wakes at night. We have officially started our baby food journey. She has an ounce at lunch and an ounce at dinner. She will scream and get really impatient when I don't feed her fast enough. I think that means we are on the verge of more. So far she has had avocado, squash, peas, and pears. She has loved them all this far and no allergy reactions which makes me one happy momma.
Diapers: Cloth at home until I sent them home with my mom on the 19th of this month. I honestly have zero energy to do anymore laundry than I already do. A husband that is 6'7" having workout clothes twice a day, a teeny European washer, baby laundry, and along with my laundry calls for 11 loads a week. No thanks. I am now down to 9 a week. Hey anything helps.
Mood: Happy go lucky. She wants you all up in her face at all times. Only one hour crying fit from teething this month. Progress people. BTW Punkin Butt Oil is the greatest invention I have come in contact with for teething!
-Rolling all over the floor
-When daddy whistles
-Giving kisses
-Sitting up
-Standing up
-Her walker
-Looking at herself in the mirror
-Taking naps longer than 45 minutes
-Putting her arms in clothes, but thinks when it goes over her head is funny.
-The vacuum
Honestly, as every month approaches I am blown away by," how is it possible I have 'this many months' baby". SIX MONTHS…..HOW?! I'm in a mix of heartbroken and ecstatic at my sweet babes age. I want her to be a baby forever. So I can hold,
smother snuggle her forever. I love this stage she is in though. She is such a blast and I have so much fun watching her turn into this silly, confident little girl. I can already tell she is going to be strong willed. She already wants to do things on her own. It sets me back every time. No Brynn, you can't stand up on things, try to
crawl scoot to what you want, or grab the spoon to eat.
Happy 1/2 Birthday baby girl! We love you more than ever. Yet, I know I'll love you deeper tomorrow.