Size of baby: Jicama(or head of lettuce)
Baby's size and weight: About 4.5 pounds and 17-19 in.
My total weight gain: 28 pounds and is this where I stop posting my weight gain?! Woah momma!
Baby's development: Baby girl now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair. She is becoming soft and squishy as she plumps up.
Stretch marks: None.
Wedding Ring: On
Belly Button: Flat except pokes out at the top by where my belly button was pierced.
Maternity clothes: Have a few, but still making regular stuff work!
Gender: Sweet baby girl! :D
Movement: All the time. Getting more in sync and hard. I've already had the breathe knocked out of me once.
Sleep: So so
What I miss: Thinking my pregnancy was magical with zero sickness and pain!
Food cravings: Lots of fruit, sno cones, and chick fil a.
Symptoms: Pressure, some back pain, and random feet/ankle swelling. Did get a rash for 3 days on my face that they say is from hormones. Lovely just lovely.
Brad is: still the sweetest man. Rubs my feet(and he hates feet bad) and back whenever I ask.
What I'm looking forward to: my last day of work(today) and Brads basketball camp the second two weeks of June! It's always a crazy whirl wind of fun. Starting to read the book Supernatural Childbirth. FIGURING OUT WHEN SHE WILL MAKE HER APPEARANCE.