How far along: 28 weeks, hello 3rd trimester and double digits!
Size of baby: Eggplant or head of cauliflower. whatevs.
Baby's size and weight: about 15 inches and 2.7 lbs exact as of today.
My total weight gain: 20 lbs, but Doc walked in saying you gained that much?! Well, you can not tell and Brooke for the win! Way to make a prego happy as can be.
Baby's development: She can now blink with those beautiful eyelashes I know she has like her daddy, she can see light, and developing tons of neurons. Also, you could totally see the chub she is getting in her 3D ultrasound today.
Stretch marks: None yet! Still living off my cream.
Wedding Ring: On.
Belly Button: In, but the bottom part of where my belly button was pierced sticks out.
Maternity clothes: You bet! Haven;t really invested a whole lot on any though, mainly used. Oh ya know, still squeezing into all my reg. stuff daily.
Gender: GIRL!!
Movement: ALL THE TIME!
Sleep: Great, except around 2am I'm wide wake until about 4am.
What I miss: not a thing here lately.
Food cravings: Cheesy bread from Little Caesars bringing back my college days, but still wanting fruit 24/7 too so it evens out, right?
Symptoms: Allergies have been all out of wack since LBK decided to join San Angelo with it's weather this past week.
Nursery: DONE! Minus the books that I will place on the shelves after her shower on Sunday.
Best moments: 3D ultrasound today. I fell in love 100% all over again with her and the way Brad oozes over her. She kept kicking her feet in front of her face and sucking on her hands. Oh and she was already lifting her long little pinky in the air. Princess or what?!
-Did my glucose testing today and came back all in the clear! Praise Jesus. I was lucky enough to get the orange one and cold so it was actually not too bad.
-My sweet friend Ashley also surprised me with a little Starbucks gift to treat myself from the glucose testing today. I have amazing friends y'all.
Brad is: The sweetest man alive I am sure of it. So proud of Brynn. He has been doing GREAATTT with my emotions and back rubs.
What I'm looking forward to: her shower Sunday and all the lovely faces coming from out of town I get to see! To just know it is finally my turn for people to shower my little joy. I am beyond blessed to know people love her so very much and haven't even met her yet. She is a blessed girl, as are we.
-Did my glucose testing today and came back all in the clear! Praise Jesus. I was lucky enough to get the orange one and cold so it was actually not too bad.
-My sweet friend Ashley also surprised me with a little Starbucks gift to treat myself from the glucose testing today. I have amazing friends y'all.

Hope you have so much fun at your shower!!
ReplyDeleteOh cheesy bread sounds so good right now, I am totally with you on that one! Have a blast at your shower, take lots of pictures!
ReplyDeleteHave an amazing shower! I love the name brynn it was a contender before we knew Kayden was a boy
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! What a joyful time y'all are experiencing! I can't even imagine how overwhelmed with love you two are! So happy for y'all! Hope you have an amazing shower!!
ReplyDeleteLooking gorgeous as always lady!! So exciting you got to see a 3D ultrasound, I've heard they are so cool! Have a great time at your shower!! xx :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like these have been going great.... done with the nursery?? Pictures?!?
ReplyDeleteI love your bumpdates so much!! Good to know the glucose testing isn't too bad, I'm already dreading it!
ReplyDeleteXo Christina