With my blog I have always wanted to it to be me and 100% real.
I've been the mean girl and the bullied.
Both sides of the spectrum are not fun. at. all.
Teenage years are rough. Shoot even first college years are. I am not proud of some of the decisions I made or the ways I acted. I think it was my 'training wheels' of learning to be a mother and to raise a daughter. I pray I don't get payback for some of the things I did to my own mother.(sorry mom I knew not what I was doing.) Oh what I would do to keep Brynn in a bubble while growing up. I know I can't do that. I will strive to raise a strong, modest, kind, people loving, Jesus out-pouring daughter. I fell short of those things many times and I am sure somewhere along the way she may too. I want to do what I can to not have her do the same though. It's my desire for her to learn the way Jesus loves her and sees her. That way she can love and see people the same. I want Brynn to know that she is perfect in Gods image regardless of what people may say to her. I want to continue to keep my actions in check for her. The mimicking has begun and will continue to get stronger. Children want to be like their parents, those they look up to. It is my job to be the best I can be for her.
I know that I am just in the beginnings of tough parenting decisions. I pray I can continue to be an example for her.
These 'training wheels' are still on as I continue to learn how to be THE mother for OUR daughter.