Back again! Make sure you go and check out these 4 awesome blogs for all the other 5 on Fridays!
[ONE] Dannon Light&Fit Greek Vanilla Yogurt with HEB brand Granola with Dark Chocolate Chunks in it! This right here is my new obsession. At night I literally can't wait to wake up again to eat it! Lets just say I am so happy to have a semi healthy craving. I mean this is definitely better than Frosty's.
[TWO] 15 week bump date! Well hello belly, you sure are starting to stick out. I have noticed that bloating has started to subside and so hopefully that means a little round bump is about to pop. Still at my 2 pound gain in all. I am more than sure I'll eventually blow up. Cravings just my #1 so far. Still haven't got into maternity clothes yet, but using my Bella Band often. Mainly because my shirts are a little too short. A friend was just telling me to check out Asos. I definitely will be doing so since we head to Florida in 3 weeks. Mainly SO excited for our reassurance of gender on Feb. 13th! Valentines I'll have a sweet blog to share for all of you lovelies! Also, we got our impulse sale buy of stroller/car seat travel system in last night and got that all set up so the smell of plastic will go away!
[THREE] Florida! It is all that has been on my mind lately. Just the sound of the beach and that beautiful sound. Oh and family! Brad leaves the 15th and we leave the 18th! My mom turns 50 so her twin and her will be having a big 'ol party at the Buccaneers stadium! SO FUN! I know the weather has been crap there lately, but the Tampa area not so much. In three weeks It'll be totally ready for us!
[FOUR] Parenting classes. Brad and I have started these free parenting classes through the Pregnancy Help Center here in San Angelo. You get points every time you attend to buy stuff in their shop. It is really so awesome! I am mainly going to use my points towards diapers and wipes. They occasionally get breast pumps or larger items so I am going to save all my points up in case of that! When we started they were doing a 25 week class on Manhood. I know sounds like thats all for Brad, but it has been so awesome! It is helping me to see why he may act the way he does also. I know it is really helping him out too. We heard the quote last night, "God only uses a man after he wounds him." Well, yes hello Jesus! I was in tears to say the least.
[FIVE] Allie my fur pup. I mean serially she is the best little animal to walk the earth in my eyes. She has been so sweet and cuddly lately! She also totally loved the stroller! I would say she is in full big sister mode:D
I hope you all have a blessed Friday and weekend!