My sweet sweet babe, how in the world are you 3 months old?! Your turning into your own little person and I grow deeper in love every second!
Weight: 13 pounds 5 ounces
Height(decided she is getting way too tall to call it length lol): 25.5 inches!
Sleep: Sleep has pretty much been the same with 5-6 hours and the occasion wanting to eat every 2-3 hours through the night. Thursday night was our first night in Luxembourg and of course a 7 hour time change. So, it was interesting to say the least. I am sure it'll take some time to get her and I back on track. Although she has been a great napping partner and we have some fun smiles through the night. She has her own crib here in Lux and she is no longer inside our room with us. Our video monitor hasn't gotten here yet either so talk about restless momma.
Eating: I pretty much just feed on demand here lately. I have noticed she lasts about 3 in a half to 4 hours during the day if there is things going on or she takes her long nap. Still taking 4 1/2 to 5 ounces when I pump and give her a bottle.
Diapers: Finishing up what size 1 diapers we have and moving onto 2! My baby is growing way too quick.
Clothing: A few 3 months and the rest 3-6 are pretty solid. They are a little big in the body but perfect in length. Size 2 or 4" in moccs(I'm obsessed btw) for shoes.
Mood: Happy go lucky like always. She has been noticing that when she cries I pick her up so trying to put her down more often and let her fuss a few minutes. I will never let her scream though it just breaks my heart. Now, her carseat is no longer her lover. She used to fall asleep instantly when we would get in the car and yeah now every once in awhile she decides she hates it and screams bloody murder until we get her out. It was a long 45 minute drive from Eden.
-Having her hands in her mouth and starring at them. She always holds them as if she is praying!
-Talking up a storm
-Trying to sit up, this girl is strong y'all!
-Being put in her bouncy seat or saucer
- SLEEP (hallelujah!)
-Plane rides which makes me jump for joy. She went through a 17 hour day of travel in different airports and planes with only one cry when they made me buckle her in. Otherwise she was all smiles or sleeping!
-Getting her first stamp of many in her passport
Doesn't Love:
-Tummy time all of a sudden, but she got so mad during her 3 month pictures that she got on one side almost to rolling over and lifted her head up while propped on her elbows. That is coming a long way for us!
-When I think she is hungry and she isn't. She will scream(no tears) and then keep bringing her head back and forth. I laughed once I realized what she was doing.
Want To Remember:
-The way her and Brad are back together now that she is bigger. They were both equally excited. I swear she remembers everything about him even after 2 months.
-Her little smiles when a sound should come and can't because she is so happy.
-When she only wants momma to snuggle her to sleep.
-Those big brown eyes looking at me while she eats.
-Her small personality growing so BIG right before my eyes!
Looking Forward To:
-Her first roll
-Watching her and Brad form a bond again and let's face it, her liking him better.
-Her in the snow!
-Witnessing he rove for basketball grow as we watch daddy play!
-Our travels all around Europe during Christmas. All her first are going to be great memories!

She is getting so big! Simply beautiful!
ReplyDeleteLove this!! What a beauty! Pretty positive Sofia already likes Erik way more than me and she's only 8 days old!
ReplyDeleteShe is just the cutest little thing!
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you didn't count wrong?!?! How is she 3 months old already?! I bet y'all are loving being united again :-)
ReplyDeleteGrowing, growing! Can't believe she's already 3 months!