Weight: 17.5 lbs(as of 2/10/15)
Height: 27.1 in(as of 2/10/15)
Food: We are still EBF. She nurses about every 2 to 3 hours. Getting 2 ounces of baby food at lunch and 2 ounces at dinner. Sweet Potatoes seem to be her favorite food yet. We have started an ounce of meat at lunch time and she gobbles it up quick.
Sleep: Brynn is such a night owl staying up until midnight. No complaints most nights though since it fits our current lifestyle. She now is officially on to 3 one hour naps a day. Still waking every 3-5 hours at night to nurse. She loves to cover her face with her blankie when she sleeps. Which makes me constantly check on her.
We had to lower her bed all the way down since she knows how to pull herself up now.
She cruises all over the house so quick in her walker.
A solid 6-9 month clothing with some 9 month being too short, but big in the body.
As of February 18th she left the scoot behind and upgraded to the crawl. Which has resulted in lots of bumps and scrapes.
She can stand by herself for a few seconds.
She is so happy that when she has little meltdowns I freak out.
She loves to eat her socks.
The Dr. assured us that those teeth should be breaking through any day now.
Typical kid that rather play with shoes and water bottles than all the toys she has. She picks up a toy, throws it aside and takes off crawling after anything but.
I woke up one day during the coming of her 7th month and realized she looked like such a big girl. No longer an infant, but a baby. Boy did it break my little heart. Happy, sad all in one. Happy 7 months sweet girl! You'll be one before we know it and I sure am not ready. I love your sweet, silly personality. Being your momma is the greatest, hardest thing I've ever done. You make our lives worth it. We love you SO much.

I just love these little updates... I'm going to have to start sharing more with Arian! She is just growing so fast! I swear we were just giving birth! I love her little personality and that precious smile :)
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how fast time flies! Shes so pretty!
ReplyDeleteShe is so sweet! I love how all of her adorable outfits!