My baby is 4 months old?! Break my heart why don't ya.
Weight: I swear she has to be at least 15 pounds or more. We are still in the process of getting her into her doctor here.
Last month she was 13.5.
Height: I'm thinking she has stayed about the same height as
last time (25.5) since all of her stuff is still fitting the same or just a few cm here and there throughout the month.
Eating: I am still exclusively breastfeeding. She is eating every 2 to 3 hours during the day and then whenever she wakes through the night.
Sleeping: She sleeps
6 to 8 in a half hours at night, but it's a struggle getting her to go down before 11. She will fall asleep about 9, but wake back up at 10 and be up until 11. She may still be getting used to the time change(I haven't even fully caught up). She will have random nights of up every 3 hours if we let her nap too often during the day. She wakes up around 8 to 9 am and it is so hard to get her to keep her eyes open. She will fall asleep playing every single time. Her naps are at 10:30, 12:30, 3, and 6 like clock work daily. Even if she stayed asleep a little longer during on of her naps. Her 6 o'clock nap is normally the shortest of the day.
Clothes: A solid 3-6 months with some being little big and then some 6 months being perfect for her length.
Trying to figure out her crazy pants. |
Diapers: She is in a size 2 in american disposables that we get on base, but a 3 in the German brand we like. Still using cloth when home and disposable when traveling and at night.
Mood: Always cracking up unless she is overly tired or hungry. ALthough she has had a few freak out days from teething where nothing satisfies her. She a lot of times has the most serious face like she is really trying to figure things out. She loves for people to play with her and talk to her if she is in our arms or on the floor, but 5 minutes after they hold her she is done and wants us back.

Brynn, you love to hold your hands together and we know you must be constantly praying. You have started early stages of teething and always have your bottom lip in. You keep absolutely everything in your mouth to help soothe those achy gums. A wet wash cloth from the freezer seems to be the only thing that helps. You hate to lay down and can sit yourself up, but then you plop forward on your cute face. Tummy time has miraculously gotten better, but you much rather look around than waste time learning to roll over. You love to lay on your side when hanging out. The minute a phone or camera comes out your all eyes for it. Your new hot pink ball that you can grip is your favorite toy. You love your lovey blankie from Kari and Jayden along with the cute bunny rattle from Mrs. Tracy. I'm pretty sure your going to play ball, be a ballerina, and play piano. You already stand on your toes like the perfect little ballerina should. Watching ESPN with daddy every morning is one of your favorite hobbies while momma catches up on sleep. You love trying to turn your head towards the TV at all costs when we are trying to get you to play instead. You love to give us kisses with mouth wide open and know just when we need them the most. Your deep little chuckle brings tears to my eyes. You have become the sweetest, joyous, beautiful baby girl we knew you would be. Every day we can't believe how much you are growing right before our eyes. We love you deeper every second and are so proud to be called your parents.

Happy 4 months precious girl we love you and love you and love you and love you a bushel, a peck, and a hug around the neck.