Sorry I had been a little MIA, but this week has seriously been jam packed and it'll continue until we go to Florida!
Nope, this isn't JUST a Valentine's day recap post, but about the things that keep love in the air in my life. Not just romantically either.
+My moms friend Brandi, my dad, and I planned to throw my mom a surprise 50th birthday party on this past Thursday(13th). Well, it happened and IT WAS AWESOME. Still trying to get the video of her face and reaction when we walked her in. She has never had a surprise party or even a party in her adult life. It was amazing to see all those show up that love and care for my mom. So many came and I was blessed by that. You tend to see how much others truly love and appreciate your mom by just stepping back and watching. Here's two little snip-it pics. We themed it purple and pink with tons of food and sweets!

+I went out on a search to find my two girls I nanny some cute, but useful Valentine's goodies. I came up with a little box filled with pencils, crazy toppers, EOS lip balm, chocolate(One wanted kisses and one wanted the bar Hershey's. Why it matters I have no clue.) and socks. They were extremely excited about the EOS that I could of probably just got them that. They kept saying, "This circle Chapstick thingy blows my mind!" They truly light up my days. I then took them by House of Faith where my mom works so we could play a little basketball and my mom gave them a goodie. We then sweated ours butts off at the park. I love Fridays with them. Here's there goodies...

+Brad is always very adamant on Valentine's being my holiday and so not to get him anything. Well I always make him some little goodies. Last year I did 14 days until Valentine's and left a treat and note every day. This year I left Brad his Valentine's goodie out for when he woke up to go to work in the AM. Thanks to Pinterest I was able to make it on the computer at very low cost.
He is a fishing nut BTW. |

+Let me brag on my sweet husband. Not only does he send sweet texts daily and always make me feel like the most important girl in the world, but on Valentine's he literally planned every aspect of my day. He started by leaving me Flowers(inc. Tulips, MY FAV), a teddy bear that reminded him of our pup Allie, a balloon, a card(inc. a Chick Fil A GC for my lunch), and a drawn out list of what my day would be. I first went with my momma to get a mani/pedi. Then, I got my eyebrows threaded(which still hurts like crap) and to pick up my Chick Fil A while at the mall. At 12:30 he had me go to TIny Toes Sono to get an hour prenatal massage that was absolutely AMAZING. The massage table even heated up and I got to hug a pillow and have between my legs while on my side. Which btw is my favorite sleeping positions. I then had to go to work so he made sure to tell me to be ready by 6 for dinner at Bonsai, our Hibachi place. I got so so excited and picked out my outfit before going so I could get ready quick. Brad had previously bought our movie tickets to see About Last Night after dinner. I just adore Kevin Hart and Michael Ealy so I am a huge fan of that movie! It was sweet and funny. We got our Frosty fix after the movie before heading home. I truly adore the times with just Brad and I. I could stare at him and talk to him for hours. Our day was sweet and so meaningful. More than any actual present I could have recieved! Love you sugar foot.

+I'll leave you guys with these two beautiful pictures of West Texas Sunsets I saw this week. I rarely get to catch them and when I do I realize they truly are gorgeous. This and beach sunsets are on the top of my list.
Hope you guys have a blessed Sunday! I'll be back soon, but reporting from Florida!