Onto the real subject of the day, I literally rack my brain daily of things to keep me busy. I have categorized all my pictures on my computer into detailed folders, organized my iTunes and downloaded tons of oldies and newbies, clean pretty much daily, do laundry every other day and cook time consuming meals just so I won't go out of my mind with boredom.
While at times it is nice to be have nothing to do so I can catch up on shows or dig into my bible, but in all seriousness I don't want to become crazy. BTW Finland is in the top 20 of suicide rates. Like, how absolutely depressing is that?! Yeah, so I would like to refrain from suicide and keep myself busy. (Ok, totally kidding I wouldn't take it that far.)
My mom suggested I learn to crochet. SO, challenge accepted I shall learn. I picked up some basic black yarn and the materials I needed so I can start learning tomorrow while Brad will be gone all freakin' day for an away game. Once I get this crochet thing down don't you fret you will get a scarf or some socks for every present needed occasion ;)
Trying to keep busy may seem crazy, like hello I should be loving my down time, but after what almost 3 months of it now I could go for busy weeks. Any suggestions on what else to do?