{Monday} Teriyaki Baked Salmon on a bed of steamed rice with a side of green beans.
{Tuesday} Baked Sausage with mac&cheese and a side of mixed veggies.
{Wednesday} Brad has an away game and won't be home until after 4am, so I just find whatever to eat on days like that. It is so hard to cook for 2 let alone 1.
{Thursday} Chicken Fried Hamburgers with Baked Stuffed Potatoes.
{Friday} Roasted Garlic/Brown Sugar Chicken with Red Potatoes, Carrots and Zucchini. This is a repeat meal and boy it is too good to not make at least every 2 to 3 weeks.
Dessert: Last night I made these yummy 3 step, super easy, Peanut Butter Cookies that we will have for the week as dessert!
As you can see I don't meal plan for Saturdays and Sundays. Brad aways has a game on Saturdays and so we make something quick and easy. For Sundays it is normally Brads only rest day and so we literally don't plan anything and just go with the flow. Majority of that day is spent on the couch watching TV, ahhh the best :)

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